Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My name is Caitlin and I am addicted to kawaii character goods from (mostly) Japan. I've discovered that my regular ol' flickr isn't really cutting it in terms of sharing the extent of my obsession-hence my new blog!

It's going to be devoted to kawaii-related ramblings, reviews of kawaii web shops, my kawaii wishlists, photo dumps, and peeks into my personal kawaii collection. Join me on my technicolor journey into the world of the most adorable and quirky goods that Japan has to offer ^_^


  1. Yay, i'm super excited! still trying to figure out how the heck to follow you though. I added you to my list of fav blogs on my wordpress, hope that's ok! :D

    1. Yay! Hi, Gabbi! <3 That is perfect! I'm sorry that this blog is so sparse so far >_<
